Monday, 12 January 2009

the sun peeks through.

after a long weekend of rain, wind, clouds and getting dark around 4 (16:00 pm) there needed to be a prayer for sunshine. this morning i looked out the window and there is was...the sun peeking through the clouds!

what i am going to learn: how to be joyful in all be laughing throughout wet jeans and soaking feet.

new experience: strongbow cider. the subway. vegetable and fruit markets. Scottish scones with butter and jam. the expense of having to pay in pounds. phone booths.

when ordering a coffee that doesn't mean you are asking for black coffee...there are either lattes, cappu
ccinos, mochas, etc. If you want coffee you have to say "coffee black"

i started class today. just on: celtic civilizations
wednesdays i have two art classes all day: life drawing/painting and sculpture
thrusdays i am taking bag piping!!! sounds like a rough semester...i think not.

new words: "rubbish" "squinty" "oaky doke" "queries" "whilst"

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